Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Best Kept Secret?

There's a Christian song, done by a popular Christian artist where the chorus says, "You're the best kept secret in my generation. The best kept secret of all time. You're the best kept secret in my generation, and I found you out." The secret they are talking about here is God. The artist that does it is irrelevant for this because my bone to pick is with the lyrics.

Why are we talking about God being a secret. If God is the BEST kept secret of this generation then we as Christians are not doing our job. God should not be a secret. He should be something we scream from the rooftops. And just by the way we live our lives His presence should be evident.

Just some food for thought.

1 comment:

Eva said...

I love Skillet too. That's the band in case you didn't know.